Lutheran Airlines
“Velcome to da Lutern Airlines! Da latest air service to sprout up in Minnesnowta vit service to Visconsin, Nort Dah-Kota, and sometimes Sout Dah-Kota.
I am Lena Ingvist, yer flight attendant and stewardess, tew,
Ve are a no-frills airline. Ve are all in da same boat on Lutern Air, vere flying is an uplifting experience, so velcome aboard.
As you know, dere is no first class on Lutern Airlines, airflight tew thousand tventy tew.
Meals are pot luck: rows one tru 6 ver to bring da lefsa; 7 tru 15, da salad; 16 tru 21, da main hot-dish; and 22-30 da romniegrot.